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Annual fuel costs and tailpipe CO2 emissions are based on the vehicle’s combined fuel consumption for a vehicle travelling 14,000km per year.
The fuel prices used to estimate fuel costs are based on average retail fuel prices for the last quarter, as reported in the Australian Petroleum Statistics.
Electricity prices used to estimate these costs are based on the latest average residential electricity prices, reported by the Australian Energy Market Commission.
Estimates for fuel lifecycle CO2 emissions are based on the vehicles combined fuel and energy consumption and the latest National Greenhouse Accounts Factors for each fuel type across the full fuel cycle (Scope 1 (combustion), 2 (electricity generation) and 3 (extraction, refining and transport)).
The fuel consumption and emissions data reported on this website is based on laboratory testing in controlled conditions and should only be used to compare vehicles. Your on-road fuel consumption and emissions will depend on the circumstances in which you operate the vehicle.
Best (0g/km)
Comb Average(180g/km)
Worst (220+g/km)
Details The vehicle’s body, engine, fuel type, transmission and drive.
Tailpipe C02 (g/km) The vehicle’s carbon dioxide emissions per km, as measured in the official laboratory test. Actual emissions will depend on how you use your vehicle.
Annual fuel cost Estimated fuel cost for a vehicle travelling 14,000km per year. Based on average retail fuel prices for the last quarter reported in the Australian Petroleum Statistics. Fuel consumption (L/100km) The vehicle’s fuel consumption per 100km, as measured in the official laboratory test. Actual fuel consumption will depend on how you use your vehicle.
Energy consumption The vehicle’s electricity consumption per km, as measured in the official laboratory test. Actual energy consumption will depend on how you use your vehicle.
Electric range The estimated distance a vehicle can travel on battery power, if the battery is fully charged, as measured in the official laboratory test. Actual battery range will depend on how you use your vehicle.
Air pollution standard The international noxious emission standard that this vehicle meets.
Annual tailpipe C02 Estimated tailpipe carbon dioxide emissions for a vehicle travelling 14,000km per year.
Fuel lifecycle C02 Estimated carbon dioxide emissions produced per km from the production of the fuel as well as its combustion. Based on national level emission factors from the National Greenhouse Accounts. For electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles actual carbon dioxide emissions will be lower in regions with higher proportions of renewable energy, or where consumers utilise renewable energy sources.
Noise data The vehicle’s stationary noise level when tested in accordance with Australian Design Rule 83/00. Used by state and territory road agencies to determine roadworthiness.
4 door, 4 seat Wagon
1.5L 4cyl Electric/Petrol 91RON,
1 spd CVT
98 [Better than average]
66 [Better than average]
116 [Better than average]
Euro 5
56 dBA @ 1100 rpm